02 March 2010

aMuse Fashion....COMING SOON!

Hey ma sexy muses! Welcome to the aMuse blog where we will update you on our latest designs and general random crap we think you will enjoy!

Together Jodie Szapira (aka JD ... owner of Divalicious) and yours truly (Vermillion Blackheart....aka V... owner of Illicit Designs) have been working day and night for months to bring YOU aMuse Fashion. What is aMuse Fashion? what do we create? well the question you should be asking is WHAT DONT WE CREATE! aMuse specialises in our custom 'aMuse Dolls'. What is an aMuse Doll you ask? Simply speaking an aMuse Doll is a full avatar designed by us...from your sexy pixel hair right down to your little pixel toes! Skins, shapes, eyes, hair, clothes, shoes and accessories! You name it......we got it! If we don't have what you're looking for IM us with your suggestions! We LOVE to chat ;)

The aMuse sim is currently closed to the public until construction is completed. Ill give you a hint as to the theme though :D think Wonderland meets Tim Burton (and saved by the bell?! ?! cheers Hibiki ahah). I have to say it does look amazing and we can't wait for you all to join us on our dance floor on opening day (date still to be posted lol *points at JD).

Ok I'll stop typing random stuff and tell you what you wanna hear! Below is a list of the dolls that will be rolling out onto our shelves in the next month! eeeeeeeeeeee *pees from excitement
1. Military Doll
2. Misfit Doll
3. Neko Doll
4. Roller Doll
5. Trailer Park Trash Doll
6. Twisted Sista Doll
7. Bite Me Doll
8. Punk U Doll